Bring Your Work to Class

Humanities PhD programs will pull you in a lot of different directions. Almost every humanities PhD student I have ever met is trying to be their best researcher-self, teacher-self, activist-self, and human-self. It’s a lot. We’ve talked before about learning to balance these multiple desires and multiple expectations. One part Read more…

It’s OK to Be Wrong

Earlier this week we addressed the topic of expertise. Specifically, that you have it. Your expertise doesn’t require you to know everything in the class you are teaching. Rather, your expertise is in your knowledge of how to learn. Many new teachers feel an immense amount of stress around needing Read more…

Intrinsic Motivation

In education, as in anything else, there are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is, like it sounds, motivation that is external in the form of rewards of some sort. In teaching, rewards correlate to an increase in grade in some way. Intrinsic motivation is, like it Read more…

Just One Day

Listen. I have something important to tell you. You may not believe me, but I promise that what I’m about to tell you is 1000% true and it’s important for you to sit with this knowledge: Every working professor I know is A MESS when it comes to teaching. No. Read more…